What does website accessibility mean to us?
A high-quality approach
The first challenge of web accessibility is to make the sites accessible for those who experience barriers, such as difficulty seeing the screen, distinguishing colours, hearing sounds, handling the mouse...
Although web accessibility is to directly support disabled people, others can also benefit: the elderly and the long-sighted who have forgotten their glasses; those whose first language is different to the language of the website; Internet users with a slow connection, etc.
This leads to websites with improved quality, comfort and ease of use for many internet users.
A legal obligation
In compliance with law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005 on equal rights and opportunities, the participation and citizenship of disabled people, we are legally bound to create websites that comply with the recommendations of the Référentiel Général d'Accessibilité pour les Administrations (RGAA- General Reference on Accessibility for Administrations).
For testing purposes we use the RGAA 4.0