Leading projects around the world

Faithful to the principles of on-site exhibitions, Universcience’s traveling exhibitions invite visitors to see, think, and experiment. In 2024, they were discovered by nearly one million visitors worldwide.

As France’s leading public institution dedicated to the dissemination of scientific and technical culture—born from the merger of the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie and the Palais de la découverte—Universcience is committed to making science accessible to all. In 2024, twelve traveling exhibitions were presented across France and internationally, in sixteen museums and science centers, attracting 990,761 visitors, compared to just over 800,000 in 2023 with sixteen exhibitions.

Their design and production rely on the expertise of a dedicated team of museographers, engineers, international project managers, technical directors, and logistics specialists, who work together to offer enriching and accessible scientific experiences for all.